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How To Start A Blog And Make Money (Super Easy)



If you're reading this article and you are all about building a successful blog and making money from it, you're at the right place because I am going to show you the best ways to create and start making money with a blog, and this has made us over $78,000 with this blog of the day of publishing this blog post. Au also can also do the same thing and get the exact same results.

Today I’m going to show you the best way to create a blog and then grow it to your first 20,000 visitors!.

Have you ever wanted to get into blogging?

I’ll take you through the steps I’ve used to grow multiple websites. This also includes a blog that’s making more than $50,000 a month in passive income.

I’m part of a few Facebook groups and recently helped a 52-year-old Blogger triple her traffic. She wrote some articles for me so I helped her in return.

I want to show you exactly how to start a blog that will bring you lot’s of traffic.

As for khmzyhustle it is now getting thousands of visitors.

I Use 4(Four) Simple Steps When Starting My Blog

This is very straightforward and I work off these steps when starting out. Don’t use free hosting, always get your own domain and hosting.

  • Find hosting & a good domain name
  • Create the site and customize it
  • Fill it with good content that’s keyword optimized
  • Promote

Starting Your Site With Bluehost

In this particular example, I’ll use BlueHost for the hosting and show you how to set it up. It’s cheap and works well.

Good for people on a tight budget.

You will need to buy some hosting to host your website online. Luckily, I managed to get a great deal for you and a free domain name!

The domain is going to be the name of your website if you don’t have one already.

To receive the best deal right now you can get my special deal here that’s going to be $2.95 a month.

Choosing The Right Plan And Domain

I would suggest going with the $2.95 plan, This is the more affordable plan online today!

BlueHost can do free migrations if you aren’t happy with your current host or looking for a change. The other plans do come with marketing extras. However, I don’t use them so I just go with the basic plan.

Recommend Hosting: Perfect for new bloggers looking for cheap hosting. Click here and take advantage of the discounted $2.95 a month hosting. This is a SPECIAL deal I have managed to secure for my readers ONLY! 

Think about the domain name for a while because you can’t change it once you’re on the other side.

If you’re doing a blog that’s going to be very active and you want to build awesome amounts of traffic to it then make it brandable. Something weird or something people will remember.

All you really need to do is head over to flame Domain and start clicking. You will know when you’ve found the right domain, it will stand out to you.

BlueHost will take you to the domain section after you have chosen a plan. If you already have a domain name then you can transfer it quickly and easily.

See if your domain name is free!

Once you have done all that you will be asked to put in your details and payment details.

Once you’ve done that the next page will give you some options, The only one I go with is domain privacy.

It’s not needed though I just like to use it.

So that’s quite simple, right? Just follow the instructions and you’re on your way to making a great blog.

I don’t want to complicate things because it’s very easy to do this. I could go on about options and pricing but there is no reason for that. Blue Host is good cheap hosting and that’s all you need if you’re on a budget.

Installing WordPress And A Few Basic Settings

This step is very easy with a few clicks of a button to get started.

Bluehost will install WordPress for you!

The first thing you need to do is create a password.

Now you choose a theme for your website.

Don’t worry you can change this later if you need to change it.

Once you have done that it’s all done!

You will be taken to a screen that says “Start Building” Click that button.

You will end up here.

Now we just need to launch the website.

Follow the instructions in the picture below by clicking “BlueHost” then “Home” Then “Launch”.

Now all you need to do is name the blog and click “Next Step”

Congratulations! You have just created an amazing website where you can now start blogging!

Once this is done you will be taken to the backend that will look like this.

This is where you can do things like Live Chat and some other options as you can see from the image above.

I love using BlueHost because they have the automatic WordPress install.

Other hosting providers make you install it yourself and it can be time-consuming and confusing.

Now that you have the blog set up it’s time to grow it!

Getting Traffic Flowing To Your Blog

Now the fun begins! 

I’m going to show you all the steps I take to bring in large amounts of good engaging traffic to my blog.

All of these methods are free and won’t cost you a cent.

If you’re just learning about blogging then you will find out that traffic is very important. Without it the website is dead.

Ranking For Small Volume Keywords

I’m going to cover this first since it should be done when creating the articles.

This is a huge traffic source for me and it’s often overlooked. When writing articles most people want to target a specific keyword and they usually stick with one keyword.

I choose multiple small-volume keywords that will get me to the front page without any backlinks.

I choose keywords that have a small search volume, something like 300 a month.


Well, I choose a bunch of them and then sprinkle them throughout the article. If I get to the front page for 5 of those keywords and they have 300 searches a month each then that adds up to 1500 a month.

So my article is now in front of 1500 potential readers a month and that’s just one article.

If you have multiple articles doing this can you see the potential?

Once your domain gets stronger it will rank better and faster.

The site has nearly 4000 keywords showing up on Google and a large number of them are on the front page.

Even though the volume is small per keyword it all adds up.

Let’s say for example I’m on the front page for 100 keywords that have a search volume of 300 a month each. That comes to 30,000 searches a month and I’m somewhere on the front page for them.

I also show up for some large search terms but the point is you don’t need to target them, you can target smaller easier ones.

This is how you do it.

When you write an article head over to the Google Keyword Planner. You can find this by searching for it on Google.

There will be a section where you can put in a keyword. I put a keyword in about trout, and the planner started spitting out trout keywords for me.

So now what I would do is mention those keywords in my trout article where they fit in the best. I would do each keyword 2 or 3 times depending on how long the article was.

Over time, Google will recognize your article and keep bumping you up. If you wrote a good article you will get to the front page for most of the small volume keywords you have chosen.

There is no time frame when this will happen but the stronger your website gets and the more articles you put out the faster it will happen in the long run.

Organic targeted traffic is the best traffic, it always has been.

Niche Related Comments

Find related blogs to comment on, it’s slow traffic but it all adds up.

You will get a nice consistent flow of traffic with the more you do.

Head over to Google and find some websites. I just do a basic search string.

Here’s a trick to increase traffic. Find articles that are new, so a week old, and comment on those or even 24 hours old.

If the post gets very popular your comment will be at the top, and you will get really good traffic if the post gets popular or they rank for some good keywords.

When you leave a comment there should be a section where you can put your website address. When people click on your name it will take them to your website or the page you put in the website section.

Keep things natural, don’t just go around spamming.

Final Words
I’m going to end it here because that’s all there really is to it, that’s my tutorial showing you how to start a blog. Anyone can try the methods above that’s how easy they are.

You can grow your blog to thousands of visits a month even if you’re just learning to create your own website.

You just need to be active in your niche and make sure you optimize those articles for a bunch of small volume keywords as well as any high volume ones you plan to target.

Sure… building up a blog with these tips will take time with these methods but as the old saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day and this also works great in 2022!

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